Friday, January 1, 2021

Utopians* at the (Open) Gates

Does the world know who the first Utopian was? Old Testament  Isaiah describes him thus:
How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.1
And so that first Utopian has had to work through proxies —  through humans and their systems, millennia on millennia, war on war. His enduring motto has always been “If, at first, I don't succeed, I try, try again.” Try what? Try great destruction,2 followed by “his” perfect Utopia designed to (allegedly) save mankind from a flawed, poorly designed “plan of happiness.”3 Such has been the universal, repetitive pursuit of rigid4 Utopians throughout history. Destroy all that is perceived to be “evil” in the system, then build back better. Thus far, the dream has never succeeded, but still the motto endures – each time under a new banner, fronted by a new face.

But what is the flaw — the evil — that that first rigid Utopian and his subsequent proxies rail against? Evil is, above all, the CHAOS of man's agency.5 Good (for the rigid Utopian) is order — world order. It is conformity, uniformity, precision, efficiency, obedience, equitable levelling (for all except insiders). It is CONTROL. But the universal thing rigid Utopians always conceal is the coercion required to achieve and sustain Utopias; thus RUs always banner their schemes with inverse slogans like “liberty, equality, fraternity”; “resilience, sustainability, fairness” or the like.

Fine sounding words, if one does not inspect their incompatibility or recognize that they do not apply in practice to the common man. And even RUs of the inner circle are deceived for that first Utopian is without conscience — an inveterate liar. He intends to share nothing; there is no heirship in his “kingdom” — no sons or daughters — only automatons. There is not enough power, gain, and glory for any, but one, and he is that one. All others and things are useful until they are not, and thereafter expendable. And because most Utopian dreamers and proxies are also notoriously blind, deaf, self-deceiving, self-justifying, and without conscience or self-awareness, their alleged “better” never unfolds as they imagine or propagandize. It is a mass of presentable platitudes masking an agenda of tyranny, pride, egoism, elitism, and dreadful dystopia.

If one takes the time to compare the latest, proposed Great Upset / Reset with the horrific, attempted Upset / Reset from 1789-1790s France, one can see the very same schema, but with a 2020 technocratic / medicratic mega-boost. Assuredly, this is no new thing. It is as old as the first Utopian — as potentially, exponentially more horrific than 1790s France; than 1940s Germany. Are we so blind we cannot see the déjà vu already being written in new blood?

Compare these reflections on the French Revolution (published in 1921) with today's Reset Revolution:
The revolution through which we are now passing is not local but universal, it is not political but social, and its causes must be sought not in popular discontent, but in a deep-laid conspiracy that uses the people to their own undoing.6

The adepts [of the French Revolution] known as the "Insinuating Brothers" were enjoined to assume the ro1e of "observers" and "reporters"; "every person shall be made a spy on another and on all around him"; "friends, relations, enemies, those who are indifferent — all without exception shall be the object of his inquiries; he shall attempt to discover their strong side and their weak, their passions, their prejudices, their connections, above all, their actions — in a word, the most detailed information about them."7

Moreover, every effort was to be made to create discord not only between princes and their subjects but between ministers and their secretaries, and even between parents and children, ...8

... they meant to abolish the laws which protected property accumulated by long-continued and successful industry; and to prevent for the future any such accumulation. They intended [pretended?] to establish universal liberty and equality, the imprescriptible rights of man . . . and as necessary preparations for all this they intended to root out all religion and ordinary morality, and even to break the bonds of domestic life, by destroying the veneration for marriage vows, and by taking the education of children out of the hands of the parents."9

[Examine the quotes and extensive word clips at footnote10 that reveal with stunning clarity how the 2020+ Reset is but a recycled plan from a prior [plagiarized?11] plan of the 18th Century.
That the majority of humans cannot yet see the repeating dystopian horror being rolled out under cover of a manufactured, variant-primed pandemic is stunning. Every last soul of us will be required to stand before the pleading bar of the “New Nuremberg”12 when Justice and Judgment take the bench. The question: What did we each do to expose — to resist — the lies, the liars, the murders, the tyranny?

Yes, a great Upset / Reset IS coming (in truth, is desperately needed), but not per the Utopian dreams of WEF / Schwab; not in the destruction of agency, community, spontaneity, creativity, courage, virtue, joy, justice, wisdom, and all that is soulful; not in this present set-up of defacing, demoralizing, dehumanizing, devaluing, debasing, depopulating, and defragging (re-ordering) God-created DNA; not in the coercion and fear-mongering of a man-made dystopia of “enhanced” transhumans.

No, the real Great Upset / Reset will be one of destroying the destroyers of creation (one reaps what one sows!); and for the survivors, it will be an Upset of unimaginable grief at our willful blindness — our complicity. It will be an Upset of rebuke, repentance, recompense13 and returning. But it will also be a Reset (for the willing) of rescue, redemption, and restoration of all things to their proper and perfect frame.14

But why are we so amnesic about the recycling power and pride obsessions of rigid Utopians? Because we don't know our history? don't recognize repeating patterns? don't acknowledge that an annihilation philosophy could pass down through the centuries?15 can't believe we could be taken in time after time?

In our sophisticated 21st Century, we have not yet resorted to wholesale burning of books, libraries, schools, businesses, cultural & art centres, museums, community spirit, and so forth, but what is the need to burn when we can censor, stunt, ban, cover-up, shutdown, and lockdown with a pretense of digital equivalence and continuity.
"The great experiment of 1789 to 1794 has proved a failure, the principles on which it was founded have been weighed in the balance and found wanting, the goals it set before us have turned out to be mirages towards which we have marched too long with bleeding feet, the methods it employed were atrocious and must never be repeated, the men who led it were the enemies of the people and such as they shall never deceive us again. There is no hope for suffering humanity but to repudiate the Revolution and all its works, and to strike out a fresh path with new hopes, new aims founded not on the dreams of visionaries or the schemes of demagogues but on the true desires of the people." Instead of rallying the people by such a trumpet-call as this, the men who now arose had nothing better to offer than the worn-out creed of their revolutionary predecessors. The doctrines that had proved fallacious, the visions that had turned out to be delusions, the battle-cries that had led the people to disaster were all to be again revived with the same assurance as if in the past they had been attended with triumphant success.16

"We came," said one, "to found Utopia and we have succeeded in creating a Hell upon Earth."17

[For a concise, deep summary of the UPSET REVIEW the Horror of it all: Catherine Austin Fitts, Full Interview, Planet Lockdown (December 29, 2020 | Time 48:31) at OR
Planet Lockdown, Aaron Russo and Catherine Austin Fitts (McDuff_2020 | January 1, 2020 | Time: 1:08:21) at Timev=BifF5eSa9NM]
* Utopian: one who proposes or advocates utopian schemes | having impossibly ideal conditions especially of social organization | proposing or advocating impractically ideal social and political schemes. | impossibly ideal | Source:
Utopia:  a place of ideal perfection especially in laws, government, and social conditions | an impractical scheme for social improvement | Source:
SMS: If a Utopian is one who imagines and dreams of an idealized perfect world, we are all, in a sense, Utopians, but throughout history, some dreamers have become obsessed with remaking the world in their image. I call them rigid Utopians who plot and scheme, in secret concert with others, to upset and reset all aspects of life and humanity to conform to their imagined ideal. Besides rigid Utopians, there are flex-? Utopians (aka anarchists), but as I have already philosophized about anarchists, (, I will deal in this post only with the rigids; however, to our great danger, both rigids and flex-? are flooding through the gates we have so foolishly refused to guard. Utopians are blindly unaware of the eternal purposes of creation. They want to control the spinning wheel of the world (rigids) or (allegedly) leave it to spin on its own (flex-?) under the sovereignty of the natural man or woman. They pretend they care about mankind, animals, “Gaia” and liberty more than God. They sport a mask of love:

1. The First Utopian: Old Testament | Isaiah 14:12-14
2. Pearl of Great Price | Moses 4:6 ~ And Satan put it into the heart of the serpent, (for he had drawn away many after him,) and he sought also to beguile Eve, for he knew not the mind of God, wherefore he sought to destroy the world. (Bold emphasis added.)
3. Book of Mormon | Alma 42:8-10 ~ Now behold, it was not expedient that man should be reclaimed from this temporal death, for that would destroy the great plan of happiness. Therefore, as the soul could never die, and the fall had brought upon all mankind a spiritual death as well as a temporal, that is, they were cut off from the presence of the Lord, it was expedient that mankind should be reclaimed from this spiritual death. Therefore, as they had become carnal, sensual, and devilish, by nature, this probationary state became a state for them to prepare; it became a preparatory state. (Bold emphasis added.)
Book of Mormon | Alma 42:16 ~ Now, repentance could not come unto men except there were a punishment, which also was eternal as the life of the soul should be, affixed opposite to the plan of happiness, which was as eternal also as the life of the soul. (Bold emphasis added.)
4. Rigid Utopians: see SMS at * above footnote 1.
5. Pearl of Great Price | Moses 4:3-4 ~ Wherefore, because that Satan rebelled against me, and sought to destroy the agency of man, which I, the Lord God, had given him, and also, that I should give unto him mine own power; by the power of mine Only Begotten, I caused that he should be cast down; And he became Satan, yea, even the devil, the father of all lies, to deceive and to blind men, and to lead them captive at his will, even as many as would not hearken unto my voice.
6. Webster, Nesta Helen. World Revolution: The Plot Against Civilization (1921) (p. 4). Kindle Edition.
7. Ibid., p. 19
8. Ibid., p. 24
9. Ibid., pp. 24-25
10. Ibid., ... the artificial scarcity of grain was created (31) / the systemic attempt to create grievances in order to exploit them ... engineered agitation / the arming of the populous against law and order / nearly every outrage was directed against men who had fed and befriended the poor (33) / at a given signal insurrections could be engineered simultaneously in all parts of the country (35) / to rise in revolt against all ordered government was the first trumpet-call to World Revolution / declamations against "the mercantile tribe " that the devastation of the manufacturing towns of France and the ruin of her merchants can be traced, whilst the campaign against education formed a further part of the scheme (36) / welding the whole human race into "one good and happy family " is set forth at length: " One common interest! one mind! one Nation! (38) / All the people forming only one nation, all the trades forming only one trade, all interests forming only one interest," etc. (38) / stir up the rich against the poor and the poor against the rich. (40) / the burning of the libraries and the destruction of treasures of art and literature, were all part of the scheme (42) / by the end of 1794 public education was said to be non-existent, owing obviously to the fact that meanwhile the emissaries of the Comite de Salut Public had busied themselves destroying books and pictures and persecuting all men of education. (43) / the attacks on the manufacturing towns of France was of course to create vast unemployment.(43) / Easter, Christmas, All Saints, days of the Virgin, of Kings, Saint Martin, fifty thousand patrons of parishes and priories . . . all these fetes and their morrows have been suppressed; (45) / the attacks on the manufacturing towns of France had dealt the final blow to trade and the Republic found itself faced by hundreds of thousands of working-men for whom it could not find employment. It was then that the Comite de Salut Public, anticipating the Malthusian theory, embarked on its fearful project — the system of depopulation. (45) / there was not even enough bread, money, or property to go round, but also, after the destruction of the aristocracy and bourgeoisie, not enough work. (46) / depopulation was indispensable because the calculation had been made that the French population was in excess of the resources of the soil and of the requirements of useful industry, that is to say, that with us men jostled each other too much for each to be able to live at ease; that hands were too numerous for the execution of all works of essential utility — and this is the horrible conclusion, that since the superabundant population could only amount to so much ... a portion of sans-culottes must be sacrificed; that this rubbish could be cleared up to a certain quantity, and that means must be found for doing it." (46-47) / a plan to drive the people to revolt by means of a fictitious famine and so provide a pretext for killing them off. (52) / a social revolution for " the common happiness and true equality" (54) / Starting from the premise that all property is theft, it was decided that the process known in revolutionary language as "expropriation " must take place; that is to say, all property must be wrested from its present owners by force — the force of an armed mob. But Babeuf, whilst advocating violence and tumult as the means to an end, in no way desired anarchy as a permanent condition; the State must be maintained, and not only maintained but made absolute, the sole dispenser of the necessities of life. / "In my system of Common Happiness," he wrote, " I desire that no individual property shall exist. (55) / We tend to something more sublime and equitable, the Common Happiness or the Community of Goods. No more private property in land, the land belongs to no one. We claim, we wish for the communal enjoyment of the fruits of the earth: the fruits of the earth belong to every one. (56-57) / Since all have the same needs and the same faculties, let there be only one education, one kind of food. They content themselves with one sun and air for all; why should not the same portion and the same quality of food suffice for each of them? . . . (57) / Only work of essential utility was to be undertaken, and in order to ensure the requisite number of hands for each industry boys were no longer to be allowed to choose their professions but must be trained for whatever work was most urgently needed. The workers would then be drafted off in gangs to perform the labour assigned them "according to the needs of the nation and the supreme principle of equality." (58-59) / the people were to be made the instruments of their own ruin. (61) / One ingenious plan consisted in pasting up large incendiary placards around which accomplices known as groupeurs — or, as we might say, " crowd-collectors " — were employed to assemble as if by accident, and then to read the words aloud, pointing out the most important passages with their fingers. (64-65) ​ / ... were hurried on into this abyss of horror by a few political libertines who grasped at dominion, and wished to wade to the helm of the State through the blood of their countrymen! (76) / of the plans it has formed for that general Revolution which is to overthrow all thrones, all altars, annihilate all property, efface all law and end by dissolving all society. (80) / The essential thing is to isolate a man from his family, to cause him to lose his morals. (86) / by systematic demoralization (87) / where "individualism was to be disallowed," and " each was to work for the benefit of all." (96) / " all is justified for the sake of the revolution," ... " the end justifies the means." (104) / insinuating itself into every organization framed for the benefit of humanity, and turning it to an exactly opposite purpose, / condemning thousands of people "to compulsory idleness and real destitution," / leaders and working-men alike played the part of helpless puppets pulled by wires from behind, held in the hands of their sinister directors. (114) / the hatred of Christianity (117) / But the art of the revolutionaries has always been to check reforms by alienating the sympathies of the class in power, and they had no intention of allowing the people to be contented by pacific measures or to look to any one but themselves for salvation. (119) / to "magnify doctrines which tend to nothing less than the overthrow of all the foundations on which society rests." (122) / scare news was passed from mouth to mouth: (133-134) / "One half of Paris," wrote the Prefect of the Police, " wishes to imprison the other."(135) / agents of disorder had mingled in their ranks, strangers of sinister appearance ready to side either with police or mob in order to provoke a riot, well-dressed women not of the people were observed inciting the crowd to violence. (136-137) / the people were to be allowed to think they had acted on their own initiative. (144) / to bring about a world conflagration. (144) / "every effort is to be made to heighten and increase the evil and sorrows which will at length wear out the patience of the people and encourage an insurrection en masse." (73-174) / both were animated by a fierce and undying hatred towards Christianity arising from the same cause, namely that both worshipped force. ( 184) / They must have greater calamities, ruder shocks. ( 193) / the idea of war on cities, (194) / It is impossible to disentangle the truth from all this web of lying and intrigue; both sides had, as we know, accepted the doctrine that the end justifies the means, and both lied freely to obtain the mastery. (199) / Everything, yes, everything must be destroyed, since everything must be remade." ( 202) / is, the conviction that the present system cannot continue and must therefore be overthrown, which can only take place by forcible means." (216) / the object is to smite the entire middle-class with annihilation." ( 216) / their plans for the people's welfare are diametrically opposed to those of the people themselves. (228) / famine had been easy enough to engineer by buying up supplies, waylaying waggons of corn, or throwing sacks of flour into the river. But a hundred years later improved means of transport and the complicated modern system of food distribution had made such primitive methods impracticable. How, then, were want and hunger to be brought about? Only by some gigantic coup that would paralyze the whole country and lead to the Great Expropriation (235) / Everything that will make confusion worse would be an advantage." ( 236) / the destruction of the existing social order. (237) / the one thing to be avoided is social peace. (241) / a plan for feudalizing Capital, ( 243) / the complete subjection of the people ( 259) / by a course of systematic deception, and finally by force of arms, ... by the old method of the conspiracy — promising one thing and doing precisely the opposite. (259) / the destruction of Christian civilization, (266) / the programme of the revolutionary leaders is still, as it has been throughout, in direct opposition to the wishes of the people ^ (p. 267) / When we accomplish our coup d'Etat, we will say to the people: "Everything has been going very badly, all of you have suffered; now we are destroying the cause of your sufferings — that is to say, nationalities, frontiers, and national currencies. (279) / Our laws will be short, clear, and concise, requiring no interpretation, so that everybody will be able to know them inside out. The main feature in them will be the obedience required towards authority, and this respect for authority will be carried to a very high pitch. (279) / But the ruse of the conspiracy has always been to use words with a double meaning, and not only this, but with meanings diametrically opposed to each other. (287) / gigantic trusts controlled by international financiers. In this case the so-called war on capitalism is simply a war in favour of capitalism, of ruining all small holders of wealth or property in order to enrich a ring of multi-millionaries. (289) / Every effort is made to persuade the public that no conspiracy exists, for once its existence is generally recognized its defeat is certain. Its whole success depends on secrecy. (292) / we must endeavour by every means to gain over the reviewers and journalists; and we must also try to gain the booksellers, who in time will see that it is their interest to side with us. (293) / the method of the conspiracy is the same today as it was a hundred and forty years ago — " calumny, corruption, and terror." (294) / crushing of all individual enterprise, (296) / But even more horrible than the degradation of women is the systematic demoralization of children which is now being carried out (298) / The spirit of evil that finds expression in the defilement and desecration of sacred things, in the systematic destruction of all nobility, all decency of thought and life, above all, in the poisoning of the child-mind, can be explained by no natural laws or mere human passions. (299).
▪ Ibid., p. 20 | It is impossible not to admire the ingenuity of the system by which each section of the community was to be made to believe that it would reap untold benefits from [world order] — princes whose kingdoms were to be reft from them, priests and ministers whose religion was to be destroyed, merchants whose commerce was to be ruined, women who were to be reduced to the rank of squaws, peasants who were to be made to return to a state of savagery, were all, by means of dividing up the secrets of the Order into watertight compartments, to be persuaded that in [World Order] alone lay their prosperity or salvation,
▪ Ibid., p. 24 | "All religion," they declared, "all love of country and loyalty to sovereigns, were to be annihilated
▪ Ibid., p. 58 | Every one must be forced to work so many hours a day in return for equal remuneration; the man who showed himself more skilful or industrious than his fellows would be recompensed merely by "public gratitude." This compulsory labour was in fact not to be paid for in money but in kind, for, since the right to private property constituted the principal evil of existing society, the distinction of " mine " and " thine " must be abolished * and no one should be allowed to possess anything of his own. Payment could therefore only be made in the products of labour, which were all to be collected in huge communal stores and doled out in equal rations to the workers. Inevitably commerce would be entirely done away with, and money was no longer to be coined or admitted to the country; foreign trade must therefore be carried on by coin now in circulation, and when that was exhausted, by a system of barter.
11. Book of Mormon | Helaman 6:26-30 ~ Now behold, those secret oaths and covenants did not come forth unto Gadianton from the records which were delivered unto Helaman; but behold, they were put into the heart of Gadianton by that same being who did entice our first parents to partake of the forbidden fruit— Yea, that same being who did plot with Cain, that if he would murder his brother Abel it should not be known unto the world. And he did plot with Cain and his followers from that time forth. And also it is that same being who put it into the hearts of the people to build a tower sufficiently high that they might get to heaven. And it was that same being who led on the people who came from that tower into this land; who spread the works of darkness and abominations over all the face of the land, until he dragged the people down to an entire destruction, and to an everlasting hell. Yea, it is that same being who put it into the heart of Gadianton to still carry on the work of darkness, and of secret murder; and he has brought it forth from the beginning of man even down to this time. And behold, it is he who is the author of all sin. And behold, he doth carry on his works of darkness and secret murder, and doth hand down their plots, and their oaths, and their covenants, and their plans of awful wickedness, from generation to generation according as he can get hold upon the hearts of the children of men. (Bold emphasis added.)
12. | |
13. Old Testament | Isaiah 35:4 ~ Say to them that are of a fearful heart, Be strong, fear not: behold, your God will come with vengeance, even God with a recompence; he will come and save you.
Old Testament | Ezekiel 11:21 ~ But as for them whose heart walketh after the heart of their detestable things and their abominations, I will recompense their way upon their own heads, saith the Lord GOD.
Doctrine and Covenants | Section 1:10 ~ Unto the day when the Lord shall come to recompense unto every man according to his work, and measure to every man according to the measure which he has measured to his fellow man.
14. Book of Mormon | Alma 41:2-7 ~ ... the plan of restoration is requisite with the justice of God; for it is requisite that all things should be restored to their proper order. Behold, it is requisite and just, according to the power and resurrection of Christ, that the soul And it is requisite with the justice of God that men should be judged according to their works; and if their works were good in this life, and the desires of their hearts were good, that they should also, at the last day, be restored unto that which is good. And if their works are evil they shall be restored unto them for evil. Therefore, all things shall be restored to their proper order, every thing to its natural frame—mortality raised to immortality, corruption to incorruption—raised to endless happiness to inherit the kingdom of God, or to endless misery to inherit the kingdom of the devil, the one on one hand, the other on the other— The one raised to happiness according to his desires of happiness, or good according to his desires of good; and the other to evil according to his desires of evil; for as he has desired to do evil all the day long even so shall he have his reward of evil when the night cometh. And so it is on the other hand. If he hath repented of his sins, and desired righteousness until the end of his days, even so he shall be rewarded unto righteousness. These are they that are redeemed of the Lord; yea, these are they that are taken out, that are delivered from that endless night of darkness; and thus they stand or fall; for behold, they are their own judges, whether to do good or do evil.
Book of Mormon | Alma 22:13 ~ And Aaron did expound unto him the scriptures from the creation of Adam, laying the fall of man before him, and their carnal state and also the plan of redemption, which was prepared from the foundation of the world, through Christ, for all whosoever would believe on his name.
15. See footnote 11.
16. Webster, Nesta Helen. World Revolution: The Plot Against Civilization (1921) (p. 93). Kindle Edition. (Bold emphasis added.)
17. Ibid., p. 250

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