Thursday, April 30, 2020

No! No! No!

I just read in my local paper an article titled, “Self-care critical during pandemic” by Sonya Brown, Health Promotion Facilitator with Alberta Health Services. Number 10 of her “ten small, simple self-care habits that we can all make time [for]” is
«10. Most importantly, learn to say “no” to anything that doesn't bring you joy.»
She reiterates in the next sentence: “I challenge you all to say YES to yourself for once and NO to whatever does not bring you joy.” (Bold emphasis added.)

So where does one begin?
NO to the face mask that forces us to re-breathe our own exhaust, compromising our oxygen intake, increasing our oxidative stress, thus compromising our body's immunity in a time when we should be maximizing immune function.

NO to the social distancing and stay-at-home that increases isolation, depression, distrust, fear, sadness, hopelessness, illness, self-focus, victim mentality, etc., etc., etc.

NO to the Stanley Milgram* 65% deference to “authority” that violates conscience and human rights.

NO to genuflecting to ever-expanding levels of authority who genuflect in turn (and often fear) all the way up the authoritarian ladder.

NO to the constant barrage of new words and phrases to normalize what is not normal and should never be accepted as normal.

NO to the tyranny of ever-threatening waves and repeats (1 to infinite X) justifying increasing power abuse.

NO to hiring on as a snitch for Big Brother to trace whomever Big Brother designates worthy of tracing.

NO to keeping my head in the sand of trust and obedience to those obsessed with pursuing and protecting POWER and GAIN (a recurring plague throughout history).

NO to pretending that vast portions of science and media have not been co-opted and corrupted for the purposes of power and gain.

NO to Edward Bernays.**

NO to being ordered to stand on spots and squares like a kindergarten child.

NO to being so afraid of dying that we give up living as loving, caring, hugging, socially-vibrant humanity.

YES to waking up to the awful situation we have allowed to get above us by failing for decades to expose and prosecute the abusers of power and science.

YES to LIVING as a free, thinking, fearless, observing, truthful, awake, compassionate human being, knowing that death is in the cards for all of us, but knowing also that to shut oneself up or away while living in fear or puppetry (and insisting that others do so, too) is JOYLESS.
Perhaps you get the point. What we are observing is not what we are being told by the Powers.

Please access some awakened viewpoints such as Dr. Rashid Buttar and many others outside the authoritarian power-loop.

And thank you, Sonya Brown, for the provocative challenge.

** “The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.” (Source:  |  “Edward Bernays (1891–1995), pioneered the scientific technique of shaping and manipulating public opinion, which he famously dubbed “engineering of consent.” During World War I, he was an integral part of the U.S. Committee on Public Information (CPI), a powerful propaganda apparatus that was mobilized to package, advertise and sell the war to the American people as one that would “Make the World Safe for Democracy.” The CPI would become the blueprint in which marketing strategies for future wars would be based upon. // Bernays applied the techniques he had learned in the CPI and, incorporating some of the ideas of Walter Lipmann, became an outspoken proponent of propaganda as a tool for democratic and corporate manipulation of the population.”

Monday, April 27, 2020

Real Life: Milgram & SPE?

Has anyone noticed (a suggestion for Dr. Todd Grande*) that we are in a global Stanley Milgram AND Stanford Prison Exercise all rolled into one?1 And that it's not an Experiment — it's an Exercise. The lessons learned all those years ago have been co-opted by the Powers as most levels in the authoritarian hierarchy have gone bezerk with opportunity and justification, stripping Human Rights Left AND Right — giving themselves solo, unchecked power because legislatures are deemed too cumbersome, ineffectual and contagious2 in this virus crisis. And the vast majority of citizens (by comment and survey) are kowtowing to and sustaining this illegitimate authority — unquestioning of compromised, gain-driven experts; AND, at the same time, average citizens are becoming (and being asked to become) authorities and judges themselves of what is permissible for others to do and what is not. As a friend observed, “We have become so afraid of dying we have given up living,”3 Not only that, but we demand that others give up living, too. STAY AT HOME. DO NOT STAND NEAR ME? I saw you from my window walking too close to each other. Why are you travelling in twos to the store? Why did you go twice this week? Are those purchases really necessary? How can WE trust you to be among US unless you are tracked4 and vaxxed?

It is bizarre beyond imagination.

And so we have the Stanley Milgram “labcoats,” like Dr. Todd Grande,5 a generally thoughtful and reasonable professional, pushing the narrative of unquestioning obedience to authority — promoting un-examined trust in science and experts because he trusts in them, and we should trust in his analyses. How long will it take him to see in himself the perceptual biases that he sees in others? How long to finally awaken to the déjà vus of the “will to power and gain” that has plagued mankind through the ages? Science and history expose this crisis for what it is — the beyond perfect power-play.

So while the Dr. Todd Grandes of the world “lullaby” the adults as to power, authority, and experts, the IASC6 takes on the children.
My Hero is You, Storybook for Children on COVID-19
The inundating message: Obey authority. Trust science (the authoritarian-approved, controlled, profit-driven science). Be a hero of trust and obedience. (Be one of Stanley Milgram's 65% — be a Milgramite.) And disparage anyone who chooses to question or to think / observe outside the authoritarian box or to remember the déjà vus of Milgram, SPE, and history.

* See footnote 5. And notice how Grande's critics (kudos to them) seem like unto the roughly 35% of subjects who walked out of the Milgram experiment because they refused to defer to authority that violated their conscience, their sense of humanity and human rights, their sense of right and wrong. Is the response to Grande's upload not classic Milgram: the majority deferring to authority (and his pro-authority stance) and the minority choosing to question and refuse "obedience"?  Does Milgram's experiment of increasing shocks to "learners" not have parallels to forced vaccination? The healthy (non-toxified) body is a marvel of healing capability and to insist that those who fear disease and death can control, punish, or force others into behaviors opens the world to an unending tyranny.
1. SPE:
"Christopher Browning, in reflecting on the social forces that were operative in [the murderous] Reserve Police Battalion 101, cites both Milgram’s and Zimbardo’s research and identifies as particularly important: deference to authority, adaptation to role expectation, the intoxicating effect of exercising unrestrained power over others, pressure for conformity, and isolation from all countervailing cultural and institutional influences while in a foreign and alien territory [including culture turned upside down?] (Understanding Genocide, 6). [Ravven, Heidi M.. The Self Beyond Itself: An Alternative History of Ethics, the New Brain Sciences, and the Myth of Free Will (p. 433). The New Press. Kindle Edition.] (bold emphasis added)
2. The State of the Police State - #NewWorldNextWeek (April 23, 2020 | corbettreport | begin at minute 1:10) at
Also: | Many other jurisdictions have already done this or are contemplating it.
3. Other relevant observations:
... however: our task is not to save the world. God alone can do that. Our task, William Stringfellow reminds us, is to witness to the freedom of human life from the power of death, the threat of death, and the fear of death. [Walter Wink. Engaging the Powers: Discernment and Resistance in a World of Domination (Kindle Locations 4524-4526). Kindle Edition.]
... resistance to evil and death, to the Dragon and its Beasts, is the only way to live humanly in an inhuman world. Engagement in specific and incessant struggle against death's rule is in fact what renders us human in the time, and times, and half a time, that mark our days in the present world disorder. [Ibid., (Kindle Locations 4539-4541). Kindle Edition.]
4. Stop Calling It Contact Tracing! – #PropagandaWatch (April 27, 2020 | corbettreport | Time 17:11) at | or at
5. Anti-Vaccination Movement & Dunning-Kruger Effect | Vaccine Hesitancy (Dr. Todd Grande | April 25, 2020 | Time 16:13) at
6. My Hero is You, Storybook for Children on COVID-19
[This blogger's comment: "The Making of My Hero is You" is a manifest miracle of unbelievable, speedy global consultation, writing, editing, translating (30 languages), publishing, & marketing, all accomplished by March 31, 2020! Amazing! Incredible!!Truly unbelievable!!! unless one has a prescient, prophetic prognosticator on board!]

Monday, April 20, 2020

Questions for the Contagion Trackers

● World Order (WO) were the endgame;1
● power and gain were perks and aphrodisiacs;2
● secret oaths, combinations, and conspiracies were as old as Cain;3
● technology and compromise make gods of mortals;4
● the masses were more controllable thru fear, isolation, distrust, uncertainty, threat, hunger, desperation, despair;5
● the perfect vehicle for WO were a novel virus;6
THEN, how many nursing homes, long-term care facilities, packing plants, etc., etc., could a single, organized and funded test-tube courier contaminate in a day? a week? a month? in how many towns and cities?

Has anyone looked at omnipresent surveillance? Can anyone see the pattern? Has anyone clued in?

PS to packers: Do not let “authorities” take your surveillance footage without FIRST securely retaining a back-up for your own investigation and comparison with other packers.

1. Power Systems, in history have always sought to dominate as much of the world as they could conquer. Technology now makes truly global domination feasible for the first time as we have now witnessed. Do we really believe there are no more Genghis Khans or Alexander the Greats or Caesars, or Napoleons, etc. etc.? How many times have we heard “New World Order” in recent decades?
2. Henry Kissinger: “Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac.” As quoted in The New York Times (28 October 1973) Lesser known variant: “Power is the great aphrodisiac.” As quoted in The New York Times (19 January 1971) Source:
Book of Mormon | Helaman 6:25, 27, 29-30 ~ 25 Now behold, it is these secret oaths and covenants which Alma commanded his son should not go forth unto the world, lest they should be a means of bringing down the people unto destruction. ... 27 Yea, that same being who did plot with Cain, that if he would murder his brother Abel it should not be known unto the world. And he did plot with Cain and his followers from that time forth. ... and he has brought it forth from the beginning of man even down to this time. 30 And behold, it is he who is the author of all sin. And behold, he doth carry on his works of darkness and secret murder, and doth hand down their plots, and their oaths, and their covenants, and their plans of awful wickedness, from generation to generation according as he can get hold upon the hearts of the children of men. (Bold emphasis added.)
4. Old Testament | Genesis 11:6 ~ And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.
5. Just observe the conduct of the past month.
6. Just observe the headlines of the past month.

Friday, April 10, 2020

Mike “We lied, We cheated, We stole. ...” PompeUS

SO, we, USians, insist that the virus be named the Wuhan Virus, or we won't sign a joint international statement about the “crisis”!1 Let us thank those foreign ministers who refused to kowtow to the pomposity of Mr. “We lied, We cheated, We stole ... .”2 If we USians won't stand up to our own [p]elites (as in pretend / pseudo / pompous / perfidious / psychopathic, etc., etc.), then at least someone has (but for how long?).

As to the source of the virus and its name, should we not be looking for “Patient Zero” or first (suppressed) manifestations or braggart researchers / authorities or patents to give us clues? Could someone actually be looking? Could someone be analyzing who benefits the most in stripping human rights from the “free” world? How about:

Fauci, Birx, and Redfield - Army Virus Bioweapons Plan (George Webb | April 9, 2020 | Time 43:26) at

Corona World Order (corbettreport | April 10, 2020, Time 59:17) at

Past time to WAKE-UP to the psychopathy of our [p]elites and reject them outright — unrelentingly calling out their crimes as Pompeo insists on doing to the rest of the world as he reiterated in his Texas A&M speech (at the times noted below in the U.S. Dept. of State podcast*) where those who know the real history of US imperialism and mendacity will witness the tragic hubris and hypocrisy that characterizes this corrupted nation and its [p]elites. Yes, Secretary of State (SOS), “We should never shy away from calling [you / US] out” (30:16; 30:34; 31:46). And if we wish a complete compendium of “bad actors,” (30:22; 30:50) history will undoubtedly rank US as lead actor. There is a mountain of published evidence already, if only we would inform ourselves.

Could some warnings to Old Testament psychopaths,3 apply to our psychopaths if they would only listen?
1. G7 ministers spike joint statement on COVID-19 after U.S. demands it be called 'Wuhan virus' |
2. To hear the whole answer to the last question, go to minute 28:22 of the full Q&A:
* “Secretary Pompeo Participates in Q&A Discussion at Texas A&M University” (U.S. Department of State, Time: 32:31) at

See also: OR shortened versions at

Ex-CIA director Pompeo: 'We lied, we cheated, we stole' (GrayZone: April 24, 2019; 0:26 from Q&A at Texas A&M University) at
(also Secretary Pompeo:"Lying, Cheating, & Stealing reminds you of the glory of the American experiment" (10Beads: Time: 0:1:50) at
3. Old Testament | 1 Kings 14:9-10 ~ But hast done evil above all that were before thee: for thou hast gone and made thee other gods, and molten images, to provoke me to anger, and hast cast me behind thy back: Therefore, behold, I will bring evil upon the house of Jeroboam, and will cut off from Jeroboam him that pisseth against the wall, and him that is shut up and left in Israel, and will take away the remnant of the house of Jeroboam, as a man taketh away dung, till it be all gone.
Old Testament | 1 Kings 21:21-22 ~ Behold, I will bring evil upon thee, and will take away thy posterity, and will cut off from Ahab him that pisseth against the wall, and him that is shut up and left in Israel, And will make thine house like the house of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, and like the house of Baasha the son of Ahijah, for the provocation wherewith thou hast provoked me to anger, and made Israel to sin.

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