Wednesday, November 25, 2020

A brief analysis of Edmonton City Council meeting, November 20, 2020*

This analysis is to remind us of Stanley Milgram1 —  to raise, once AGAIN, the “shocking” revelations of his 1960's experiments into human nature and mankind's propensity to obey perceived “authority” even in the face of supposed moral values and appeals to empathy. Milgram was trying to understand the high compliance / complicity within 1930-40's Germany. But now in 2020, we don't have to reflect back to Germany, we have only to observe last week in Edmonton, Alberta.

The passivity of Edmonton mayor and councillors (12 of 13) in extending the mask mandate is classic compliance / complicity with perceived “authority” in contravention of moral values (rights and freedoms) and citizen appeals to empathy. The science of health is overwhelmingly against masking and against all the other COVID tyrannies,2 but truth cannot be openly discussed or admitted in this age of kowtowing to the reigning “labcoats” — those servitors of the Powers. It was as if Council members heard nothing in the November 13th public hearing; as if nothing could matter but trusting in / obeying the scripted narrative; as if they could not see how they manifest a transparent mockery of their earnest presenters3 by extending, not just to the initially proposed May 31, but by extending the extension to December 31, 2021, all in the name of “practicality.”

Alberta Health Services (AHS) was unable(?) to field a “Dr. Spokesman” during the speakers' forum November 13th, but found one for solo, uncontested presentation on the 20th. Perhaps Council should have considered the symbolism in the doctor's utterly garbled beginning such that he had to disconnect and reconnect.

Did Council really think they would get anything more than affirming “facts” out of an AHS doctor whose job depends on him following the mandated, global narrative?4 How long would CMO Dr. Hinshaw keep her job if she questioned the stats? if she didn't parrot the program? if she allowed counter-narrative proofs? if she even admitted there was credible opposition to the control agenda? And what if she had the temerity to direct investigators to scour for deliberate contamination (of masks, sanitizers, cleaning supplies, air filters, misting / fogging decontaminants, etc., etc.) by a network of those obsessed with pursuing global control under cover of COVID? Strange, is it not, how areas of higher resistance to controls seem to have greater escalating "case" counts?

But back to Edmonton: Last Friday, Council demonstrated that SM stands for more than Stanley Milgram in these obedience cases of masking, distancing, isolation, lockdown, business closure, quarantine, etc., etc. What Edmonton (and hundreds of other jurisdictions) expose, with every new rule and extension, is the sado-masochistic programming now in play:
Let us all consent to harm / injure / shock / damage others, self, and society
(all under cover of COVID)! and it mattereth not whether it be motivated
through force, fear, fraud, or favor, it's all for the coming good
[of the Utopian architects / dreamers / profiteers].
This is not to say there is no COVID-related sickness and death, but when sickness and death can and have been bioengineered (with plenty of witness and history), then it's time to stop blaming Mother Nature, partiers, and protesting dissidents for the exploding "cases."

So, Edmonton, can you answer this? What has become of your coat of arms: your Industry, your Integrity, your Progress in the past 10 months?

How many more months are you going to acquiesce to your own decline? Or are you counting on a Great Reset in the image of Klaus Schwab & friends?5

Open your eyes! Return to courage.

* City Council Continuation 11/20/2020 (extending the mask mandate issue)  at ▪ (begin at hour 3:32:40)

▪ Dr. Roger Hodkinson: at A Warrior Calls
▪ Community and Public Services Committee 11/13/2020 at (presenters begin at hour 4:09:16; Dr. Roger Hodkinson at 8:25:49)
▪ NOTE: In contrast to the science of health,  the science of power, control, and tyranny favors all things COVID and history is an unrelenting witness that Power (99.999%) will always do whatever it takes to pursue and protect greater power, gain, glory, control.
3. Community and Public Services Committee 11/13/2020 at (presenters begin at circa hour 4:09:16)
4. The unity, synchronicity, and worldwide staging of the same tyrannical rules is too obvious to pretend this power-play does not have a single script, an unyielding director, and witting / unwitting servitors like Edmonton Council.
5. Head of global economic group reveals plan for post-COVID worldwide 'reset' (LifeSiteNews | Oct. 28, 2020 |
▪ Who are Schwab's we in “remaking the world we want”?
▪ Has Edmonton become an indentured servitor to the Strong Cities Network and the Powers-that-Be(lieve) in A Great Reset — a turning of all things upside down?
▪ Are Schwab's fine sounding words just déjà vu the (great, failed) fraud perpetrated circa 230 years ago under cover of “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity”?
▪ Is this where we want to be headed? (beheaded?) The Great Reset?

**Thanks to the artist and to the one who re-posted it at Liberty Network Canada:

Friday, November 20, 2020

Against Conscience??

An Open Appeal
to Enforcers Everywhere
Police, Military, Guards, Judges
(including self-appointed enforcers)

We are witnessing every day an escalating tyranny that requires many enforcers to act against conscience. Even a surface study of the science and history of power clearly reveals how ubiquitous power abuse becomes when the servitors of Power feel compelled, through force, fear, or favor to carry out unlawful mandates of the Domination System.

Yet, who could have imagined, even ten months ago, the stunning loss of freedoms presided over by “free-world” leaders under cover of COVID.1

Listen to this powerful, 5-minute presentation: 
Dr. Roger Hodkinson CEO & Medical Director – MA, MB, FRCPC, FCAP
All this is forcing enforcers to process victimless crimes.

This is especially tragic when the science of health is overwhelmingly against masking, isolation, distancing, lockdown, etc. while the science of behavior- and mind-control is obsessively pro-mask, pro-isolation, pro-distancing, pro-lockdown, pro-fear, pro-tyranny.

We desperately need enforcers on the side of freedom and truth — opposing the abuse of power and science, whatever its source. Please, enforcers, take time to review and consider this possible solution for police and other forces caught between the people and the abusing Powers. 
Howard Lichtman on The Thick Red Line 2
» share these resources with all the enforcers that you know.
» recognize that enforcers are being forced to become Stanley Milgram-type subjects3  — forced to “shock” (harm) men, women, & children at the instruction of perceived ”higher authorities.” Please, do not be amongst the shocking 65% who obeyed the “labcoats,” many against their conscience and moral values.
» recognize the 2020 parallels with the Stanford Prison Experiment (!971) where it was shown how rapidly power abuse escalates even in artificial scenarios where some are perceived as guards and others as prisoners. The spirit of power overtakes the situation and abuses begin, followed by self-justification by the abusers.4
» recognize the dangers of the shaming trap5 that exacerbates enforcer abuse of those labelled by the powers as conspiracy theorists, liars, dissidents, selfish, anti-social, crazy, and so forth.
» recognize that the mainstream media is following / obeying a “Flooding the Zone” Powers' narrative as discussed during a pandemic simulation October 18, 2019 (“Event 201”6) and thus censoring all that exposes the lies in that narrative.
» recognize that the facts reveal this to be a global power-play — a plandemic of CONTROL.   
» JOIN with the People to resist the unfolding tyranny.


1. (Just five of hundreds possible of credible, opposing voices):
● Dr. Roger Hodkinson CEO & Medical Director – MA, MB, FRCPC, FCAP (Dr. Marco Caravaggio |November 17,2020 | Time 5:02) at (This may be censored from YouTube so the sooner you watch the better.) Presented at Edmonton
● Huge Lawsuits Coming Against COVID Totalitarians and Con-Artists at 
● Coronavirus Fraud Scandal — The Biggest Fight Has Just Begun at 
● Making face masks mandatory is not backed by science or law: Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms at
2. Interview 1598 – Howard Lichtman on The Thick Red Line (TheCorbettReport | November 18, 2020 | Time 21:37) at
5. Quote: As Milgram himself put it, “Many subjects harshly devalue the [target] as a consequence of acting against him. Such comments as, ‘He was so stupid and stubborn [and evil] he deserved to get shocked [or shot or tortured]’ were common. Once having acted against the [target], these subjects found it necessary to view him as an unworthy individual, whose punishment was made inevitable by his own deficiencies of intellect and character.” The implications of these studies are ominous, for they show that people do not perform acts of cruelty and come out unscathed. Success at dehumanizing the [target] virtually guarantees a continuation or even an escalation of the cruelty: It sets up an endless chain of violence, followed by self-justification (in the form of dehumanizing and blaming the [target]), followed by still more violence and dehumanization. Combine self-justifying perpetrators and [targets], and you have a recipe for the escalation of brutality. This brutality is not confined to brutes— that is, sadists or psychopaths. It can be, and usually is, committed by ordinary individuals, people who have children and lovers, “civilized” people who enjoy music and food and making love and gossiping as much as anyone else. This is one of the most thoroughly documented findings in social psychology, but it is also the most difficult for many people to accept because of the enormous dissonance it produces: “What can I possibly have in common with perpetrators of murder and torture?” It is much more reassuring to believe that they are evil and be done with them. We dare not let a glimmer of their humanity in the door, because it might force us to face the haunting truth of cartoonist Walt Kelly’s great character Pogo, who famously said: “We have met the enemy and he is us.” from Mistakes Were Made (but Not by Me) Third Edition: Why We Justify Foolish Beliefs, Bad Decisions, and Hurtful Acts, by Carol Tavris, Elliot Aronson. (pp. 219-220). HMH Books. Kindle. (Footnote references omitted in the quote.)

Tuesday, November 10, 2020


A Message to all Public Servants, Everywhere:

Until we acknowledge that the
obsessive pursuit and protection of
power, gain, and glory has plagued
every age of history, we will never
understand the events of our time.

So please, as public servants, make the commitment to understand what is unfolding. Investigate the "pursuers and protectors." Proof the "science." Listen to witnesses opposing the lockdowns and domination. Examine the science and history of power and its perennial abuse. Defend our rights and freedoms in the corridors of power as courageously as our veterans did in the fields of war. Awaken to a sense of our awful situation.

Truly REMEMBER why we commemorate November 11.

A Message from
men & women
of hope & remembrance 

Two Witnesses (out of hundreds possible):

Readers, everywhere, feel free to forward this to every public servant you know.

Creative Commons License
Déjà Vu ~ Times blog by SMSmith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License.