Saturday, February 24, 2024

Sleeper Sell-Out* | Parroting the Narrative

(An open memo to News and Press Gangs)

Further to the 2022 post: “A Short Message to 'News Reporters,'”1 Déjà Vu Times once again suggests that “reporters” wake up to the reality of a 360° world. Your most recent media scrums and press questions relating to gender-affirming care and coercive consensus seem to come only from a 30% Gen-Z worldview,2 so how about taking several unscripted week-ends to review the facts of the "Fringe" 70%. You know: the stuff your captured press bosses don’t care to know or spread abroad, like
▪ trans regret.
▪ de-transitioners by the thousands.
▪ botched surgeries.
▪ surgeon and Pharma windfalls.
▪ life-long complications and after-care.
▪ coercive affirmation.
▪ forbidden reversion counselling.
▪ the science of propaganda, persuasion, power.
▪ the science of social media influencers, addictions, contagions.
▪ and on and on.
If you think the Fringe 70% (including many Gen-Zs and Alphas) don’t understand the 30% gender-view that your press pushes upon the world, you’re wrong. Many of the Fringe know
▪ the science and history of adolescent development.3
▪ the science of selling, marketing, trending, fashion, and adverts.
▪ the science and histories of profiteering, propaganda, persuasion, viral contagion.
▪ the use, misuse, and manufacture of motivated, blame-game, fear-factor stats.
▪ the history of unethical medical experimentation worldwide.
▪ the dystopian notions of censorship, control, coercion.
▪ the science of pscience.4
▪ and on and on.
So, if you don’t know where to begin informing yourself, maybe start here with Dr. Alex Laungani, a Quebec plastic (and transgender) surgeon, presenting TG information not meant for public distribution outside the conference, but obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation through a records request.5

After Laungani, the only limit is one’s time and integrity. To add to an excess of videos available for the mere searching, here are a few book suggestions:
● Meerloo, Dr. Joost A. M. The Rape of the Mind: The Psychology of Thought Control, Menticide, and Brainwashing
● Storr, Will. Selfie: How We Became So Self-Obsessed and What It's Doing to Us
● Milgram, Stanley. Obedience to Authority: An Experimental View (Perennial Classics)
● Simpson, Christopher. Science of Coercion: Communication Research & Psychological Warfare, 1945–1960 
● Bernays, Edward. Crystallizing Public Opinion
● Cialdini, Robert B.. Influence, New and Expanded
● Greene, Robert. The Art of Seduction
● Lippmann, Walter. Public Opinion
● MacKay, Charles. Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds
● Hall, John. Guinea Pigs: Technologies of Control
● Herman, Edward S.; Chomsky, Noam. Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media
● Bloom, Howard. The Lucifer Principle: A Scientific Expedition into the Forces of History
● Browning, Christopher R.. Ordinary Men

Videos added Feb 25, 2024
● Interview: Will Jazz Become an Advocate Against Trans Healthcare? - Σ𝕏ulansic
(Genspect | Feb 24, 2024 | Time 5:59 min.) at
(archived at
● Dr. Phil Dismantles Trans Ideology on Joe Rogan
(Amala Ekpunobi | Feb 24, 2024 | Time 29:24 min.) at
(archived at
So, before you again parrot the narrative of “gender” sovereign-truth and the faux-crime of (de)conversion6; and before you again parrot the clichés of self-obsessed diva / divo (SOD) activists –

Think how much progress and privacy SOD activists have ruined for genuine dysphorics who just want to live their lives without demanding that the world affirm, applaud, and pay bending homage to their choice. They wish to attend social, sports, or other functions in their chosen persona without fanfare and without the narcissistic need to have the entire event and all actors, athletes, and audience roll out the rainbow / pastel carpet in spectacular welcome, which, by the way, violates every one of their trumpeted mantras: diversity, equity, inclusion. Where is the diversity and equity in excluding everyone who is not SOD in the special recognition and affirmation of their lifestyle? Where is the DEI in their vociferous demands for special privilege and exemption from criticism or challenge or hurt feelings?7
Charles MacKay: “In reading the history of nations, we find that, like individuals, they have their whims and their peculiarities; their seasons of excitement and recklessness, when they care not what they do. We find that whole communities suddenly fix their minds upon one object, and go mad in its pursuit; that millions of people become simultaneously impressed with one delusion, and run after it, till their attention is caught by some new folly more captivating than the first. We see one nation suddenly seized, from its highest to its lowest members, with a fierce desire of military glory; another as suddenly becoming crazed upon a religious scruple, and neither of them recovering its senses until it has shed rivers of blood and sowed a harvest of groans and tears, to be reaped by its posterity (p. 6). ... Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one” (p. 7).8

   Stop selling out the future.
      Stop parroting the narrative of feelings over facts.
          Wake-up to patterns of madness and corruption.
               Wake-up to history.
                  Wake-up to reality.
                      Wake-up to your own integrity.

Which will it be?

*For a pictorial history of the Press see:

2. Nearly 30% of Gen Z adults identify as LGBTQ, national survey finds
ICYMI: New Data Shows that Nearly 30% of Gen Z Adults Identify as LGBTQ+
3. Various theories and studies on Developmental Psychology: Piaget, Erikson, Marcia, Kohlberg, Bandura, Vygotsky, Spitz, Bowlby, Harlow, Ainsworth, Bettelheim, K&M Clark, Maccoby, Gelman, Dasen, Sheehy, et al.
4.  Pscience is the corrupted offshoot of honorable Science. It is the inevitable consequence of man's obsessive pursuit and protection of power, gain, glory, and domination. Pscience is pseudo, psychopathic, propagandizing, plagiarizing, politicized, psy-opic, and above all, profit-obsessed, and profit-driven. This obsessive pursuit and protection by people without conscience is often enabled by naïve, trusting, or fear-filled acolytes. Pscience is a one-faith, one-dogma, heretic-fearing, self-deceiving, other-censoring system.
They’re MUTILATING children in the name of progress (TrueNorthCentre | Feb 20, 2024 | 25:14 min) at
6. Malevolently misnomered as the trans-conversion has already taken place. For de-trans people, it puts one more hurdle to recovery as therapists can be charged for helping a trans-regret revert (de-convert) from trans-conversion.
7. See also: 
8. MacKay, Charles. Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds (Illustrated) Kindle Edition. (Bold emphasis added.)

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Let Me Tell You a Truth Story

Why! Oh, Why!

(Subtitle: A Thoughtless, Clueless, Stupor Story)

Background: Our marketing town borders a reservation where a few individuals have severe addiction problems. In their desperate condition, they sometimes frequent the town’s main street looking for compassionate or naïve souls who might fulfill their hunger for food or money or some substance to simulate an alternate high when their preferred choice of alcohol or drugs is not available. Fortunately, amongst several frustrated town customers and business owners, there are also many compassionate ones who do what they can to alleviate the suffering. I have tried to be amongst the compassionate ones on my infrequent visits from the country side. Such was the situation a few days ago on a cold, snow-packed mid-morning.

As I returned to my car from errands up the street, I passed two men standing near a store front. I sensed they were going to ask for something as I passed, but they did not. But as I pondered my errand list, one hurried over to my driver-side door. I unrolled the window. He said his arm was broken and that he feared to walk up the steep, icy street to get to the homeless shelter on the reservation. His brother Jimmy, he said, needed to come too. Could I take them?

Let me say here, that even though some of these people can be aggressive and violent, the majority have a gentle, humble, polite spirit, augmented by a sense of witty humour. “Tom” seemed of the gentle, polite nature and his broken arm looked genuine, bundled under his heavy coat with the left sleeve hanging limp. I opened the back door for Tom and before he was even seated, Jimmy was already ensconced in the front passenger seat. As I backed out from angle parking, I saw Tom try to hand Jimmy a folded S20.00 bill and spoke something in their native tongue that I did not understand. Jimmy waived it back, but seconds later, when it was thrust forward again, Jimmy took it, and Tom said: “On the way, can we stop at Husky*? Jimmy is diabetic and needs a pop.”

That registered as unwise, but before I could speak, my mind said: “What do you know? Maybe he’s in low blood sugar and needs a sugar spike.” We were then just passing a convenience store, and I said, “Oh, you could get it here,” and Jimmy said, “Oh no, it must be Husky.”

Halfway up the hill, the “need” morphed. Tom spoke: “We need to get some hand-sanitizer for our work.” My mind heard “hand warmers.” My excuse for hearing something not said, was that it was cold outside (and maybe a smidgen of lingering hostility toward hand-sanitizer from the 2020s).

Anyway, I pulled into Husky and Jimmy held out the folded $20.00 bill? “Could you go up to the counter and get us four hand-sanitizers for our work? I can’t go in because we had an argument here and they won’t let me in anymore.”

My mind again, inexplicably, translated: “hand warmers,” and since I wasn’t at all keen about leaving two unknown men alone in my car, I said,: “I think Tom should go in.” So Tom got out, saying “I guess I can try.” Split seconds later he returned saying: “I look too much like Jimmy. They think we are the same. Can you please help us?” He handed me the folded $20.00 and climbed in the back seat.

I’m now a little concerned, but still compassionate. As I turn the car off and pull the keys, I say, “Now you won’t take any thing while I’m gone, will you? In unison, they exclaim: “OH NO, we’re not that kind of people!”

I go to the counter and say: “We need four hand-sanitizers.” I hand her the $20.00 bill, all the while thinking I will get four hand-warmers. The clerk seems a little brisk as she pulls four mini bottles from a high shelf behind the counter and then drops the change: 4 coins (80 cents) in my hand. “Wow, are they that expensive?” I say. “Four-eighty each,” she clips. I pick up the “hand-warmers," now registering foggily as hand-sanitizers, and exit with their work-stash. As I drop the 80 cents into Jimmy’s hand and say “Boy, are they expensive!” they reply in unison, “Yah.”

That’s when the fog and stupor of compassion vanished. Good grief! hand-sanitizer must have joined behind-the-counter items, like hair spray, (a long-standing local practice) to try to limit the harm caused by drinking substitute toxins. My mind exploded: How could I have been so clueless?! Why did I not see the caution flags flying all the way up that icy hill? Why did I keep imagining “hand-warmers” (even when I, myself, said: “hand-sanitizers”), so the whole charade could unfold without awareness till it was too late?

As Jimmy pocketed the four mini-bottles, I blurted out: “Are you intending to drink this?”
"OH No! It’s for our work.” they said.

I felt sick. It was their money. It was their wasteful purchase of a toxin with my “kind” help. As I dropped them off at the shelter, I said: “Please use this for your hands. Please do not drink it.”

“Yes, yes, for our work,” they said, and thanked me for the ride. As I drove to pick up my sister who had been engaged in more useful service, I lamented my stupidity. In my thoughtless, clueless, stupor, I had let myself be taken for a ride and thus, facilitated their self-harm.

As I waited for my sister who was delayed, I had 20 minutes to lament and then process the truth of this story: that thoughtless, clueless, stupefied compassion can lead us down a path of irreversible harm to self or others; time also to ask myself: Is this what we are seeing and doing all over the world? thoughtless, clueless, stupefied, toxic compassion for people suffering disorders and dysphorias?

Not so long ago, our society and mental health professionals sought to help heal dis-ease; now they clamour to normalize and affirm it, acting as if pretend substitutes will satisfy — will bring happiness. And worse yet, trans-advocates refuse to acknowledge unhappy de-transitioners and the toxic, irreversible consequences they must endure. “Compassion” has been weaponized to justify and ignore harm and injury in the name of progress.

So, to those parading and flaunting “compassion,” please, step out of the stupor and hear the de-transitioners. To encourage confused young people into toxic solutions is thoughtless, clueless, stupefied, if not heinous. To threaten suicide or assign blame for it if one does not get one's way is manipulative and tyrannical in the extreme. When was that ever acceptable? Yes, you can posture your compassion in a thousand ways, but to promote the mutilation of floundering youth is criminal, faux compassion. 

As for the profiteers who are not thoughtless, clueless, or stupefied, but are pied-pipers for those who are, know this: Justice will not be denied; it can only be satisfied by repentance, mercy, and grace (which must be activated). You may still have (unknown) time to repent and remediate as best you can. Do not delay, whatever the cost.

PS: How timely that this CBC headline should show up yesterday:
Violent online groups are pressuring youth into harming themselves, authorities warn | RCMP is investigating suspected cases and urging victims to come forward”**
From a 360 truth view, a companion headline should read:
“‘Compassionate’ Support Groups are coddling youth into harming themselves, truthtellers warn | RCMP will be investigating suspected cases and urging victims to come forward”
But it seems in our DEI world (where the DEI is nether diverse, equitable, or inclusive) the faux-DEI mantra has morphed into: Feelings don't care about facts.

*Husky: a gas / convenience store franchise.

Friday, February 2, 2024

Another Open Appeal: For the Sake of Conscience

This is not just an appeal to government, but an appeal and invitation to citizens everywhere. No body, government or otherwise, should be able to violate the conscience of another through coercion without being called to account and to consequence. Let us keep up the pressure for consequence. Here is another email appeal sent to Alberta Government officials today, 2 Feb. 2024:
Greetings: Premier Smith, Health Minister LaGrange, Justice Minister Amery, MHA Minister Williams, PSES Minister Ellis, CFS Minister Turton, Education Minister Nicolaides, SCSS Minister Nixon

Subject: Another Open Appeal: For the Sake of Conscience

If we are experiencing a shortage in any of the professions in Alberta (medicine, mental health, legal, teaching, enforcement, gov’t. service, etc.), have we inquired into the number of people of integrity who were fired, de-licensed, discriminated against, or forced from their employment or activities for the sake of conscience? The National Citizens Inquiry* revealed a shocking number, Canada-wide, and that was only out of 305 witnesses.

Until we clear out the fear and / or corruption within the Professional Colleges, we will make only halting progress toward recovery from an unsustainable, destructive, coercive health-narrative.

PLEASE solicit, investigate, and compile a comprehensive list of Albertans who were persecuted or suffered losses for the sake of conscience. Let the Alberta Dept. of Justice take this on by appointing a special arbiter to document the extensive losses to individuals and thus to Alberta as well.

We need to document and remediate these losses. Justice needs to prevail.


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Déjà Vu ~ Times blog by SMSmith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License.