Thursday, October 24, 2024

Good News! Canada

It seems that no one has yet stepped forward to re-educate Jordan B. Peterson.1 That’s not to say it won’t happen in time, because the Ontario Court of Appeal and then later, the Supreme Court of Canada (August 8, 2024) both endorsed mandatory re-education in Canada. Such is truly beyond comprehension! That’s the bad news — how far our “authorities” have fallen into authoritarianism.

But the good news is: It seems that fear of negative publicity, blow-back, or shame has kept the re-ed “experts” from surfacing. We may be at a tipping point between tyranny and liberty, but we have not yet fully tipped. Mandatory re-ed has been endorsed, but is not yet widespread. So let us remember the warning of John Basil Barnhill, the “noted anti-socialist writer, editor, politician, and debater during the first quarter of the 20th century.”2
"Where the people fear the government you have tyranny. Where the government fears the people you have liberty."
And what is it “authorities” should fear? They should fear choosing reward over integrity; ideology over truth; corruption / coercion over honesty; ego over selfless service. They should fear exposure and consequence.

The good news also is: We Canadians are still free enough to give the “authorities” a little of their own re-ed medicine — not mandatory, but by invitation.3 Write, speak, suggest, blog about liberty, rights, freedoms, and history. Be grateful for the good “authorities” sometimes do, but forever expose and penalize the evil.

If we are to save Canada, those authorities who have been captured by the motivations of Reward, Ideology, Corruption / Coercion, or Ego must be brought to justice and consequence.

Indictment of Socialism (#3), transcript of Barnhill-Tichenor Debate on Socialism (1914)

Monday, October 14, 2024

Staying Alert to the Local

One of our Freedom 

Thank goodness for freedom watchdogs like the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF1) and the Canadian Constitution Foundation (CCF2). Since many Federal, Provincial, and local authorities seem to have lost their way in an upside-down world of cancel culture, historical amnesia, and R.I.C.E.,3 we are greatly blessed to have such defenders — committed protectors awake to the fallacies and frauds of much of the fwoke4 ideology that is blinding and confusing so many servants from national to local. Here is a recent report from the CCF:

The curse of the local tyrant: suing Canadian municipalities for censorship
(Canadian Constitution Foundation | Oct 4, 2024 | Time 21:04 min.) at
Let us give the defenders of freedom all the support and exposure we can.

R.I.C.E.: Reward | Ideology | Coercion/Corruption | Ego

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