Thursday, December 19, 2019

Not to Mention ...?

For nigh ninety years, if not longer, we have been living in a fantasy land created for us by the (supposedly deserving) rich and famous. And the thing we keep not mentioning is how most of them got to be rich and famous in a world order (WO) addicted to power, gain, and fame (sometimes*). So once again, I refer readers to someone who has been mentioning and naming and exposing a myriad horrors that We The People (as a critical mass) must begin to openly acknowledge and refuse to tolerate:
Rockefeller’s Yerkes Nightmare
Bioweapons Monkey Farm
in Orange Park, Florida
(George Webb: December 18th, 2019, Time 10:06) at   or
Of course, these are things we don't want to believe, let alone openly acknowledge, but without exposing and prosecuting hubris, crimes, and criminality, the criminals will continue to combine and expand their kingdoms of tyranny. So let us:
Wake Up! Wake Up! Wake Up!
What is 2020 for if not that?

Dec. 20, 2019 UPDATE:

George Webb nails it!- The Yerkes Monkey Project!
(McDuff: Kennedy's Man to Smash the CIA: Time 14:32) at

George Webb is Back! ... 12.20.19
(McDuff: Kennedy's Man to Smash the CIA: Time 1:07:47) at
* Sometimes, some of them prefer to remain in the shadows while amassing and manipulating their power and gain.

Monday, December 9, 2019

The Unmentionables?

What do the powers-that-be in our secular society resist acknowledging?
Angels, spirits, principalities, powers, gods, Satan— these, along with all other spiritual realities, are the unmentionables of our culture. The dominant materialistic worldview has absolutely no place for them. These archaic relics of a superstitious past are unspeakable because modern secularism simply has no categories, no vocabulary, no presuppositions by which to discern what it was in the actual experiences of people that brought these words to speech. And it has massive resistance even to thinking about these phenomena, having fought so long and hard to rid itself of every vestige of transcendence.1

To a degree far beyond current recognition, the myth of materialism has served as such an integrating agent for modern society, but it has been an integration bought at the cost of what is most human, most aesthetic, and most meaningful in life.2

Having repressed the spiritual so long, however, we no longer have ready access to it. The wells of the spirit have run dry. We can scarcely rediscover in a few generations what it has taken the race millennia to learn by costly trial and error. So we find ourselves returning to the ancient traditions, searching for wisdom wherever it may be found. We do not capitulate to the past and its superstitions, but bring all the gifts our race has acquired along the way as aids in recovering the lost language of our souls.3
Here is someone else who has begun to frankly talk:

Does Satan Exist? (Amazing Polly: Dec 3, 2019, Time: 28:43) at
How much will we allow ourselves to see? to hear? to understand?
Where are we experiencing evil disguised as the divine? Where are we experiencing the divine perceived by everyone as evil? How can we discern the difference? The struggle is most redemptive when if one enters it fully committed to discovering and doing the will of God to the very limit; that is, to seeking the creative transformation latent in the situation in which one finds oneself at any given moment. It is the “satanic” aspect of God’s will— justice, mercy, and truth misperceived as evil by the Powers That Be— that constitutes the threat and, simultaneously, the effectiveness of nonviolent civil disobedience.4
1. Wink, Walter. Unmasking the Powers: The Invisible Forces That Determine Human Existence: 2 (Powers, Vol 2) (Kindle Locations 129-133). Fortress Press. Kindle Edition.
2. Ibid. , (Kindle Locations 144-146). (Bold emphasis added.)
3. Wink, Walter; Collected Readings, (pp. 64-65). Fortress Press. Kindle Edition.
4. Wink, Walter. Unmasking the Powers: The Invisible Forces That Determine Human Existence: 2 (Powers, Vol 2) (Kindle Locations 909-913). Fortress Press. Kindle Edition.

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