Tuesday, December 18, 2018

The Real WW I: Exposing History

Should we know the hidden facts of World War I? Would it help us understand what has been happening? what will be happening in coming days? why WWI was not and never could be the war to end all wars?

Orchestrated conflict is just to useful and profitable for hidden power and gain agendas — the great perennial déjà vu.

The WWI Conspiracy - Part One: To Start A War (Time 31:52 ~ TheCorbettReport) at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tclAbWvBt70

The WWI Conspiracy - Part Two: The American Front (Time 35:51 ~ TheCorbettReport) at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-5kWX7rYuU

The WWI Conspiracy - Part Three: A New World Order (Time 41:13 ~ TheCorbettReport) at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzVd7XCTu28&t=8s

History Is Written By The Winners (Time 1:13:18 ~ TheCorbettReport) at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yOrJiYcqwsQ&t=1227s

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

The Two-edged Sword of Technology?

In this age of masterful deception, we have been put on notice: DON'T trust what you will be seeing and hearing in coming days!
A new 'arms race': How the U.S. military is spending millions to fight fake images
The warning comes, courtesy of the MIC, aka, the Military Industrial Complex1 — a complex that has for years been engaged in pursuing and protecting power and gain at any cost; a complex that has become the prime sycophant and order-follower of the Hidden Complex. However, this MIC warning is not to make citizens and consumers skeptical of MIC info, but rather to increase trust in the MIC — in that perceived protector of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; of peace, property, prosperity, democracy, justice, and TRUTH.

EXCEPT the MIC is not as it makes itself appear. It has been infiltrated and corrupted to a degree that most cannot conceive. Every value it espouses in office and field has become the opposite2 of what it does. It enlists and / or deludes many innocent, altruistic citizens into compartmentalized work zones to carry out its unified crimes against humanity. (Not to mention, mercenaries and private contractors enticed into psychopathy for gain.) The MIC corrupts and compromises all that it can, then it suppresses, mocks, maligns, or murders every attempted exposure of its conspiracies and crimes.

SO, in this prop-opwarning, the MIC is casting upon the waters a preemptive message:
“Do not trust any forthcoming images of
    ▪ MIC "elites";
    ▪ NATO or other military / "intelligence" comrades; or
    ▪ political, government, entertainment, sport, corporate, or supporting stars and friends
doing evil, unconscionable, inhuman things
UNLESS we, the MIC, or our associated alphabeters, say the images are trustworthy.”
See, technology has thus far aided MIC corruptions and conspiracies, but it has also resulted in loss of control of images that insiders are now desperate to keep secret in order to retain their own power / prestige and their power over others. The sword that has allowed them to compromise and blackmail is now about to cut the other way.
For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known. Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops.4

... for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known.5

For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.6

For verily the voice of the Lord is unto all men, and there is none to escape; and there is no eye that shall not see, neither ear that shall not hear, neither heart that shall not be penetrated. And the rebellious shall be pierced with much sorrow; for their iniquities shall be spoken upon the housetops, and their secret acts shall be revealed.7
In the meantime, the Hidden Complex using the MIC is attempting to bring us to a point of utter mix-up.8 We are being primed to believe fake images constructed to destroy whistle-blowers, truth-tellers, conspiracy theorists, reactionaries, "enemies", etc. but not the real images that “malign” (expose) power-and-gain-brokers and their supporters.

So how do we judge? By their fruits? But what if their fruits are suppressed or covered up by comrades? other conspirators? benefactors? complicit media? by fearful silence?

We are indeed approaching a state of confusion and conflict like the world has never seen, unless this is but a déjà vu from Noah's day.9

How reminiscent this all is to the life-drama I've witnessed many times wherein the actor playing the devil would say with menace: “I will buy up armies and navies, popes and priests[10] and reign with blood and horror on this earth.” What a succinct summation of world history!

1. Lest we forget, the MICs of the world have entwined and are entwined with and by every alphabet agency; every cut-out; and every co-operating, complicit NGO and corporation. For “some” info, see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military%E2%80%93industrial_complex
2. In other words, the purveyor of death, slavery, and misery; of war, conflict, poverty, destruction, tyranny, injustice, and lies (including false news, false flags, false accusations, false hope).
3. aka, propaganda operation. To understand the extent of manipulation and engineering of consent and conflict, see Adam Curtis': The Century of the Self at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJ3RzGoQC4s (Time 3:54:43)
4. New Testament | Luke 12:2-3 ; Mark 4:22
5. New Testament | Matthew 10:26
6. New Testament | Luke 8:17
7. Doctrine and Covenants | Section 1:2-3
8. http://dejavu-timestwo.blogspot.com/2017/11/mix-up.html
9. http://dejavu-timestwo.blogspot.com/2016/11/as-days-of-noah.html
10. (now changed to ... "armies and navies, false priests who oppress" ...)

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

How Many More Witnesses?

How many more witnesses will it take before massive numbers of peoples in every nation join in unremitting protests in the
▪ streets,
▪ ballot boxes,
▪ social media,
▪ courts, and
▪ every other venue available
against the criminality and psychopathy of those who are obsessed with pursuing and protecting power, gain, and “pleasure” at any cost to others? How much destruction? how much murder and mayhem? how much transparent fabrication and suppression? how many teflon politicians and (un)civil servants will we tolerate before we cast everyone of them out of office and begin afresh? with simple, honest folk who care for God, family, and constitution?

Here are two more witnesses to the psychopathy of those who lead and those who follow their orders:

James & Joanne Moriarty Share the Truth About Hillary Clinton's War In Libya (Time: 33:37)
at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LdGZZuYfS0s

James & Joanne Moriarty (Time 1:09:09)
at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZ-BKNuZ3aA

Visit James and Joanne's Websitewww.http://libyanwarthetruth.com/

Have we not, for decades now, allowed déjà vu on déjà vu of take-downs and take-overs of truth-tellers, witnesses, whistle-blowers, and once-sovereign nations by leaders and followers without care or conscience? How complicit are we by our ignorance? our fear? our silence? our choosing to see not? to hear not? to speak not? 

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Another Bitter [Red*] Pill to Swallow?

(Another Ray of Hope?)

Episode 846 ~ Explosive CTM Full interview – Robert [Cody] Snodgres
with John B. Wells (Time: 2:33:34) at
What will we choose?

* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_pill_and_blue_pill

Note: If this episode vanishes from YouTube, as is more frequently the case now with unwelcome exposés, just search for other interviews with Robert (Cody) Snodgres.

Friday, September 28, 2018

Gangster State? US?

Two / three more witnesses to reality? Will we finally listen? Is it worth our time to get informed? You decide.

Caravan To Midnight - Episode 535 Dr. Paul Craig Roberts & Joel Richardson (Time: 3:14:13) at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BFGE77h3QB4&t=5547s
If this was the state of things two years ago (particularly as described by Dr. Roberts), what is the current state? Is it not all to obvious that drama upon drama is constructed to distract us from the cascading destruction of law and liberty?

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Metaphors for Meghan McCain (et al.) ?!!

#2: On September 3, 2018, the strangest, accidental(?) juxtaposition occurred on CBC's As It Happens: 'twas a news story about a fish-monger and faux fish eyes that preceded by mere seconds a news story about John McCain.1

#1: On September 1, 2018, the same day that Meghan McCain was eulogizing her father2 at the Washington National Cathedral,3 and singing the praises of a forever great "America," the Kuwaiti fish-monger's business was shut down because of the cover-up and fraud.4

Is there a global metaphor here for all the blinded Meghans of the US? those so possessed by myth that they cannot (will not) see what has been done to moral and constitutional values by those pursuing and protecting power and gain (including her father)?

So what can one say to Meghan McCain? the same thing that was said to her step-mother, Cindy, one decade ago? Oh, déjà vu!
Will we ever open our eyes? or do we prefer the googly eyes of myth and pretense (and fish stories)? How oft, how long must we see the slippage and still deny the frauds and corruptions that are before our very eyes??

1. CBC ~ As It Happens: https://podcast-a.akamaihd.net/mp3/podcasts/asithappens-yQTZPxHG-20180903.mp3 (fish-eye story begins at minute 24:55 followed at minute 27:15 by the John McCain story).
2. John McCain: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_McCain
3. https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2018/09/01/meghan-mccain-john-mccain-funeral-speech-full-vpx.cnn
4. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6125847/Kuwaiti-store-closed-staff-stuck-googly-eyes-fish-make-look-fresh.html

Saturday, August 18, 2018

"Weather" you believe it or not

(makes no difference to the reality of our dire situation.)

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, August 11, 2018, #157 ( Dane Wigington ) (Time: 55:14)
at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPlisK5SqDA
For the fuller picture, see https://www.youtube.com/user/danewigington ; and https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

A Children's Crusade?

Image source & attribution at footnote 4below
Last night I attended a local theatre production of Newsies, based on the story of the Newsboy's strike of 18991 in New York City — a David and Goliath story of poor kids against the newspaper magnates, Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst. In the second act, the book writer of the musical, taking some historical licence, added a reference to a Children's Crusade where all oppressed children in the city were to be invited to join in the Newsies strike.

The whole scenario of the musical was so déjà vu. How many stories could be told of power and wealth “elites” (and their friends and benefactors) oppressing and abusing children?2 How many stories have never reached the light of day because the powers that be control the news and suppress any criticism or exposure of their ways?

For decades, thousands have kept silent about the sexual abuse of child stars in Hollywood; about the “Harvey Weinstein”3 types who preyed upon them; about the culture of abusive fame-makers; about young singers, musicians, athletes, pages, altar boys, nursery and school children groomed, compromised, enslaved, used.

Children, throughout history have suffered almost beyond telling, but more and more their stories are leaking out, though, for the most part, the MSM will not expose the crimes of their media bosses, or the friends of their bosses, or the willing or entrapped servants of their bosses. Those in the alternative media who try and expose the horrors are maligned, targeted, and accused of the very crimes they are seeking to expose.

How many accounts of abuse must adults hear before they act to protect the children of the world from the buying, selling, kidnapping, trafficking, organ harvesting, sacrificing, and murder of vulnerable children? Of course, we don't want to believe such can be: that is why, in part, gross abuses have gone on for so long. We refuse to know.

So what is the solution if adults will not act to end the suffering of children? Must the children rise up to expose crimes that offend the ears of and appall even adults? Must the children organize and march in the streets with banners demanding prosecution of criminals for unspeakable acts against children?

Will the abuses and crimes only come to full light and the prosecution of those in the highest levels of government and corporate power when children march? when children are compelled to know and speak of things that children should not have to know and speak?

Is it time for a Children's Crusade to bring down the powers that have used and abused them or their global siblings for so long with impunity? If adults will not act, what other choice do the children of the world have?

1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newsies ; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newsboys%27_strike_of_1899
2. This is not to say that people in all stratum of society are not guilty of egregious offences against children. But it is to say that the powerful are more able to suppress exposure and prosecution; more able to buy-off or intimidate victims; more able to set up networks of protection for their crimes.
3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harvey_Weinstein
4. Image:
Page URL: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Sunday_5_A.M._Newsies_starting_out._LOC_nclc.03310.jpg
File URL: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a3/Sunday_5_A.M._Newsies_starting_out._LOC_nclc.03310.jpg
Attibution: By Hine, Lewis Wickes; National Child Labor Committee Collection [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Beyond Naïve?

More and more we hear “opinionators” wax eloquent about the need to rid modern society of the plague of false / fake news, fantasies, “crackpotism” and conspiracy theorists. Today's example was broadcast on CBC's “The Sunday Edition with Michael Enright” found at
Here Kurt Andersen, author, journalist, and interviewee, critiques (with some justification) the shaping of “American” (more accurately, “USian”) character and beliefs. The great irony, however, is how insensible Kurt Andersen seems about his own fantasies and alternative reality. How naïve (perhaps?) — (yea, how historically “unscientific”) to disparage with such lightness the perpetual déjà vu that wherever there is even one person without conscience who can con, conscript, or control others, and whose life-mission is to pursue and protect power and gain, there will be and has always been CONSPIRACY. Even a cursory overview of history establishes this REALITY: secret combinations have always been the reality of a power-and-gain-obsessed world.

Indeed, the current reality is that many on the Left and Right are deeply engaged in secret conspiracies and abominations in pursuit and protection of power and gain (and for some, also, the pursuit of extended / eternal life without death). Credible, fact-based witnesses exposing high-level corruption, crime, and conspiracy are everywhere, if we would but listen.

But Mr. Andersen is transparently amongst the many who hearing, refuse to hear and seeing, refuse to see the déjà vus; one who sports his own fantasies with (apparent?) unawareness.

WE, too, live in a fantasy of ignorance if we imagine that Mr. Andersen is not an establishment crier (whether witting or unwitting) on the road to criminalizing so-called “false news, fantasies, and crackpotism.” It doesn't take much exposure to all kinds of media to realize that belief in God, religious expression, and moral values fall more and more into the despised categories of false and unacceptably oppressive. Already we see it in the shadow-banning, smearing, targeting, and outright banning of unwelcome exposures and truths about those who are pursuing and protecting power and gain and self. Ethics, morals, standards, and just laws have always been the anathema of psychopathic agendas.

So as a suggestion to Mr. Andersen: it might prove enlightening to apply his own Moynihan quote:
“You are entitled to your own opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts.”
Yes, folks, it is past time to acknowledge the empirical, déjà vu reality of power and gain agendas and to get on with exposure from the roof-tops and accountability in the courts for corruptions, crimes, conspiracies, and abominations.

Friday, June 1, 2018

NGOs: Trojans in “White Hats”?

Could this be another wake-up call?

NGOs Are The Deep State's Trojan Horses (Time 17:46 min.)
at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-r9UrC2uFfM
TRANSCRIPT AND SOURCES: https://www.corbettreport.com/ngo/
The Trojan horse was the earliest recorded military psyop.
Note: also research the controversies regarding “The White Helmets” who are allegedly helping in Syria and other parts of the Middle East. How many Trojans are in our midst?

Consider also the genius of “Mix-up?” at http://dejavu-timestwo.blogspot.com/2017/11/mix-up.html

Friday, May 18, 2018

The Way of Fame?

Sell my soul? My true crossroads story. (Time 26:38) at
How many of those who take the fame-bait become our beloved idols? our SuperStars? yet in reality, are secret-covenant slaves? From minor actors to mega-stars, how often do we see the tragedies of fame leak out in fits and starts of bizarre behaviors and addictions? Could many of these star aberrations be trauma-based mind-kontrol glitches? attempts to endure the unendurable? to survive demeaning, behind-the-scenes demands of handlers, masters, “owners”?

In Hollywood and other fame-factories, power domination has always been an open secret—just like Harvey Weinstein1 (and dozens of other master-moguls whose names remain yet suppressed). So perhaps gifted “stars” are not really spoiled narcissists, but are pawns caught up in a psychopathic system from which there is no easy escape? What if their gifts and other uses are fine-tuned through MK-Ultra “training” where they play the parts they were (tortured? infused?) programmed for until someone or something breaks? like Allison Mack2? like NXIVM3? like hundreds who are yet to be revealed / exposed?

Can we also learn something from the following presenter about the presence of mind-kontrol and dark occult symbolism in the entertainment we are embracing?

Ariana Grande's Cry For Help - MK Ultra Mind Control (Time 15:46) at

Is our present day seduction with image and spectacle also a déjà vu from circa 6000 years ago?
All the World’s Become a Stage (The Déjà Vus of Occult Seduction)4
Time to WAKE-UP??

1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harvey_Weinstein
2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allison_Mack
3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NXIVM

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Is All the World a (Déjà Vu) Stage?

(Theatre in the round after round?)

Events Around The World Are Perpetrated By The Elite's Spotlight Units: Ole Dammegard (Time 1:00:39; X22 Report Special) at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWW6DNIn7vc
See also:
▪ Crowds on Demand: https://crowdsondemand.com/
▪ The lucrative business of crowds for hire: https://www.cnn.com/2015/10/16/business/crowds-for-hire/index.html
▪ Also search crisis simulation / drill instructions
Scenario: Create an economic crisis that puts tens of thousands of people out of work and out of their homes, and you have a crowd primed for hire.
Rules: Don't ask questions. Just play to the script assigned. Trust us. We have “good” purpose.
Pay: Who in need can refuse such great pay for such minimal fun work? And don't ask from where the money comes! (Hint: asset forfeiture? theft? drugs for guns? tax payers? insider trading? ratlines?  black budgets? missing trillions?  charitable donations to unaccountable foundations? and on and on.)

Monday, April 2, 2018

Visual Intelligence?

(Processing what we see?)
We need to believe what we see even when it means we might have to think the unthinkable and say the unspeakable. We cannot ignore warning signs because they seem to portend the impossible. ... We can't gloss over facts that we find distasteful, distressing, or disturbing because the unimaginable happens every day.1

Are we prepared yet to apply VISUAL INTELLIGENCE to the
▪ cannibal-cake fêtes of Hollywood?
▪ “art” of the Podestas?
▪ “pizza-laden” emails?
▪ Uranium One dox and documentations?
▪ # of dying journalists, witnesses, et al. on the eve of trials, interviews, exposés?
▪ Clinton Global Foundation (et al.) filings and fabrications?
▪ Trump tweets, twists, turns, and turnovers?
▪ T-shirt v. testimony of Andy McCabe?
▪ recycling crisis actors?
▪ scripted “lone-wolf”/patsy déjà vus?
severely-wounded “traumites” dispassionately gesturing on MSM?
▪ etc., etc., etc.
(If you don't recognize some of the above references, google, youtube, or wiki them or read some past Déjà Vu posts.)
Here is a visual exercise. What do you see in this linked presentation which was almost immediately removed from YouTube for allegedly violating their policy against bullying and harassment? Does your view differ from what Dammegard sees? from what YouTube saw? Are there warning signs portending the impossible? exposing the unthinkable?
https://www.lightonconspiracies.com/ole-dammegard-cody-snodgres-parkland-dallas-and-austin/ (Time 1:51:49)
Is it time to sharpen our perceptions? to help change the world? Perhaps we can begin by reading Herman's book: Visual Intelligence: Sharpen Your Perception, Change Your Life. It is well worth the read.

Let us, at last, begin to acknowledge what we see (including about YouTube); then follow the clues of what we know, to the facts of what we don't know and what we need to know.

1. Visual Intelligence: Sharpen Your Perception, Change Your Life by Amy E. Herman, p. 220-221

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

What is Your SICO* Score?

▪ *Social Index Credit Offender

▪ *SICO may be pronounced in rhyme with FICO,1 or, if one prefers, in rhyme with sick — both pronunciations being in memoriam of those who devised the idea of a social credit score!
Undoubtedly, every one of us already has a SICO score (or maybe several, depending on the politics and algorithms of the score compiler), though it is unlikely we will ever have the right to a free annual report, or even an acknowledgement that such scores exist. China is not so reticent.

China Banning People From Transit for Bad "Social Credit" Scores (corbettreport: Time 7:20 min.) at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6Buhli5MYk

Unlike China, European and American democracies prefer to keep their SICO score-sheets under the radar. Although most social-index-credit-offenders soon come to know they have been targeted for reprisal / harassment,2 it has taken many years for targeting to come into public awareness because democracies and republics like to
»   keep-up-appearances by harassing in secret;
»   use MSM monopolies to keep Orwellian prescience as unreported as possible;
»   mock, malign, mislabel, misreport, and outright lie if word inadvertently leaks out about targeting;
»   sometimes falsely create “offenders” to deflect honest investigation from things as they really are;
»   individualize instead of socialize the agenda of defamation and destruction as much as possible because isolated targets generally have less enduring power than groups and more difficulty accessing public platforms;
»   etc., etc.
So what do you think? is your score high or low? With all the data vacuuming that has been underway for decades, the full measure of our wakefulness, biases, passions, persuasions, apathies, likes, dislikes, fears, finances, friends, associates, sins, crimes, misdemeanours, omissions, commissions, lapses, influence, integrity, strengths, weaknesses, etc., etc. are pretty much a keystroke away from powerful private, public, national, and global entities.

In compiling scores, the prime question is likely: Has this person offended or will they likely offend power and gain agendas? That pretty much describes the entire sum of power-plays in world history. Every tyrant or cabal of tyrants who ever lived could only dream of the power and gain that modern technology has put into the hands of SICO tabulators.

In North America, we may not yet be forced from trains, buses, planes, or roadways because of SICO scores, but more and more free-thinkers, and -speakers are finding:
▪ how easy it is to offend the social matrix of Google, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, and similar media quasi-monopolies; as well as, airport, border, and government officials3;
▪ how time-consuming and costly it can be to appeal their bans, strikes, accusations, entry-denials, detentions, and deportations;
▪ how chilling it is to future speech, criticism, and accountability;
▪ how surreal, yet utterly real, it has all become.
Let us wake-up and object with every fibre, meme, and faculty.
Stop the SICO indexing!

[See "Social Index Credit Offender / Obedient" update at https://dejavu-times.blogspot.com/2020/01/a-china-syndrome.html]

* I originally termed it Social (Intel) Credit Offender, but subsequently decided to use Index in place of (Intel) on 20 October 2018.
1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FICO
2. http://dejavu-timestwo.blogspot.ca/2017/07/sos-call-to-action.html
For info on the treatment of targeted individuals read / search the testimonies of Sharyl Attkisson, Robyn Gritz, George Webb, Sibel Edmonds, et al. al. al. and review YouTube videos of gangstalking and organized stalking.
3. Recent examples: Brittany Pettibone, Martin Sellner, Lauren Southern detained and deported from the UK.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Willing to See?

Alexander Tsiaras: Conception to birth visualized (TED Talk ~ Time 10:02 min.) at
Will our descendants, in some future year, look back on the 21st Century with incredulity? that so many scientists, researchers, and citizens could so persistently reject intelligent design? that this age was not so much an age of darkness, but of willful blindness? an age of psychopathic destruction of potentials beyond imagination?

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Things As They Really Are??

(Faux-socialists? Faux-polarity? Part Two)
Socialism is a range of economic and social systems characterized by social ownership and democratic control of the means of production, as well as the political theories and movements associated with them. Social ownership may refer to forms of public, collective or cooperative ownership, or to citizen ownership of equity. There are many varieties of socialism and there is no single definition encapsulating all of them, though social ownership is the common element shared by its various forms.
[Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialism (accessed February 4, 2018; footnotes not included; bold emphasis added)]
So, if social ownership is the common element in socialism, why is it so rare, almost non-existent, in so-called socialist countries?

What if it's all a fraud, a facade for “elites” to hide behind as they maneuver assets into smaller and smaller concentrations of their ownership and control?1 Where was there ever “social ownership and democratic control of the means of production” amongst so-called socialists? When has promised equity ever flowed to the people?

Why can we not see that the majority of gains from labor, capital, and property, for the entire duration of history, in every nation, kindred, tongue, and people of every stripe and system, has always2 flowed upward into private fiefdoms of those who, without conscience, pursue (and protect) increasing levels of power and gain?

Is this not the unvarying way of the sociopath / psychopath; the way of the Korihor-type?3 How long till we acknowledge that all the high-sounding phrases and pretend compassion of elite-socialists is all a game of hide and seek—hide true motives and machinations, all the while seeking the goodwill, support, and assets of those they dupe?

Do we ever ask ourselves why all the elite-socialists are rolling-in-dough? Do they assuage their guilt (if they can muster any) with programs that pretend to “equitize” other people's money? Or is the seeming redistribution all for the sake of appearance, taking credit for the generosity or sacrifice of others? Look at all the elite-socialists. What if they are all just corrupted capitalists in disguise? Name anyone of them. And what if the elite-capitalists are all just (wannabe) oli-garchs, -gopolists, monopolists hiding behind facades of “free-enterprise,” “free-markets,” “competition,” etc. Name anyone of them.

As to the propagandists of “World Order”! not one of them has the remotest intention of establishing social, collective, cooperative, OR free-enterprise ownership. The New World Order is the ultimate left- / right-wing tyranny—the utopia of tyrannies—where the elites (those who survive the oligarchic bloodbath to establish top-dog dominion) will own everything and control everything, issuing order upon order to robots and to semi-robotic, disposable “humans.”

Why must we keep repeating these déjà vus? Certainly, there are many good people in this world, but the number of sociopaths and manufactured sociopaths,4 on both the right and the left, is increasing to the tinder-point. And when good people refuse to see—to recognize—the unconscionable, mendacious ways of sociopathic elites (and their willing lackeys), AND the déjà vus (that even initially good governments have always been taken over, in short order, by those obsessed with power and gain agendas), they will become unwitting, deceived accomplices to a tyranny that will destroy all the good they ever thought to do or preserve.

Let us wake up to the deceptions that surround us 360 degrees. Re-read Orwell's 1984. It's unfolding before our eyes.

1. [in similitude of the capitalists]
2. Except perhaps for 1) the City of Enoch, and 2) during the reign of Melchizedek: both Biblical prophets. Perhaps for that reason, most of their history has been expunged.
3. Book of Mormon | Alma 30:17 ~ [Philosophy of Korihor, circa 74 B.C., Americas] “... every man fared in this life according to the management of the creature; therefore every man prospered according to his genius, and that every man conquered according to his strength; and whatsoever a man did was no crime.”
4. A manufactured sociopath is one who lies, cheats, steals, harasses, targets, tortures, abuses, kills, or does anything against his conscience at the behest of another because of fear, coercion, promised reward or favor, and so forth.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Faux-Socialists? Faux-Polarity?

Past time to wake up, folks! Do we really think that the Clintons, Obamas, Pelosis, Reids, Bidens, McCabes, et al. al. al. have the first notion what socialism is? They are first and foremost pawns (and future fall-guys) in an oligarchic game being played by their ghostly superiors / supervisors. These dupers / dupees have sold their souls for transitory sceptres, off-shore mega-riches, and rampant hedonism—the very same things that the power and gain “rightists” have always pursued (as in Bushes, McCains, McConnells, Comeys, Muellers, Rosensteins, et al. al. al.).

The so-called leftists have not the remotest intention of establishing “socialism.” It's all a facade to cover the One-World focus of a MEconomy where elites, left AND right, serve the agendas of their grasping masters till all (even their surprised selves, and that includes Mr. K.) become robotic slaves to a master oligarchy.

So why do we keep obsessing over left and right? keep dividing ourselves in service to a faux polarity? keep believing that Trump is a divinely sanctioned trump-card against those _____ socialists? Yes, Trump is somewhat unique in the presidency. His self-service is child-like egoic. He seems trapped in some level of pre-operational1 unawareness. If he contradicts himself, he seems to genuinely think the past ceases to exist. If he denies his lies, he seems to genuinely think our cognitive abilities cease to exist. Most of his opposing elites know they are in service to a “higher” power-monger and acquiesce for the sake of their perks (though sometimes from fear) which they fantasize will last forever. But Trump? he doesn't seem to know there is anything higher than himself. He orders and ordains in the most general of terms (“buy, sell, get me off the hook, make money, make a deal,” etc., etc.) and his paid servants carry out the specifics they were trained and hired for; then Trump takes credit for the work, results, and ideas (unless the result is less than satisfactory).

If we have the integrity to review “conservative” Trump's demeanour, speeches,2 tweets, history, grandiosity, mendacity, etc., etc. in a full 360 degrees, do we not see the face of Ayn Rand where service to self superseded service to anything broader? On the other hand, the faux-socialists liberally serve themselves on the way to a WO (World Order) that they seem to view as greater than any one person. BUT whether Trump-style or WO-style, the agenda is the SAME: power and gain.

So to all those who think Trump is divinely appointed; they may be right in some measure! At least the entrenched, secretive, criminal cabal of the faux-left did not prevail to perpetuate their cover-up of murder and mayhem from a presidential throne (though they are still trying in every possible way). As to Trump? his childish, egoic ways — spending his tenure self-serving as opposed to also WO-assisting — may leave some wiggle room for a few white-hats to be able to work a little justice, accountability, and restoration into corrupted governance. All the while Trump devotees will “seeing him, see not; and hearing him, hear not” the all-to-visible selfie character of the man.

So, get a grip folks. Trump is no savior; nor team-player (whether the team be good or bad). His self-focus / self-distraction / self-delusion just opens the door enough (we should pray) for a few good people to do something good while he is tweeting, TVing, and travelling.

But those who think Trump is knowingly presiding over a draining-of-the-swamp do not appreciate the nature of his self-delusion, or the full-spectrum extent of our global swamp, or the way power and wealth (or the perception of power and wealth3) corrupts. And those who think that the departure of McCabe or even 100 like him will drain this swamp are in for a rude surprise. Pulling the plug on McCabe or even 500 other power-pluggers will only drain a few compartmentalized fetid shafts. The global master(s) will re-plug all the drains with new, expendable pluggers. The global agenda is too far established for entrenched, hidden power to relinquish with an exposure or two, or even a thousand. The great deception will increase in sophistication, violence, and coercion. More faux-saviors will appear and we shall be suckered again and again if we refuse to see what we see and hear what we hear in full 360; and above all, if we do not persist with courage to expose and counter at every turn the sewage that sustains the agendas of the secretive oligarchy in their never-ending pursuit of power and gain.

1. Remember Piaget?
2. (his extemporaneous speeches, not the carefully crafted speeches of writers who have been tutored in the skills of propaganda and myth-making / -preserving; and then delivered methodically, without passion, with the essential aid of a teleprompter)
3. http://dejavu-times.blogspot.ca/2014/03/truly-afflicted-with-riches.html

Thursday, January 18, 2018

United We Stand?

If we don't know what we're up against, how will we ever take effective action?

Best of the Solari Report: The 2017 Wrap Ups (Time 1:29:19) at

     “The earth is not dying. It's being killed.
               And the people killing it
             have names and addresses.”
                               ~  Utah Phillips ~
                                        (at min. 46:40)
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